The Site Allocations Development Plan allocates a large site off Norwich Road, North Walsham (NW01) for a mixed-use development to include approximately 400 dwellings, 5 hectares of employment land, 4 hectares of public open space and provision of car parking to serve the railway station. The site is one of the largest and most complex allocated through the Plan involving a number of landowners, a mix of brownfield and greenfield land uses, established businesses and some constraints relating to the nearby gas condensate facility.

Planning permission has been granted (PF 13/0866) on part of the site to allow the erection of 176 dwellings with access, open space and associated works and formation of a station car park and outline application for employment development. To view details of the planning permission please visit the Planning Search page.

A draft Development Brief was prepared by Hopkins Homes in 2012 but this has not been formally endorsed by the District Council.