Policy CT1 Open space designations
Within these areas designated on the proposals map the following will apply:
- Open land areas (xv), development will not be permitted except where it enhances the open character or recreational use of the land
Education and formal recreation areas (xvi). Development will not be permitted except where:
- it enhances the open character or recreational use of the land
- alternative provision is made or it has been demonstrated that the facility is surplus to requirements
Any replacement provision should take account of the needs of the area and current standards of open space provision but should generally be equivalent, or an improvement, in terms of size, usefulness, attractiveness, quality and accessibility.
Elsewhere, development proposals which result in the whole or partial loss of open space (xvii) will not be permitted unless:
- the space does not contribute to the character of the settlement and is surplus to requirement, taking account of all the functions it can perform
- where provision of equal or greater benefit is provided in the locality
xv: Areas of open space which make an important contribution to the appearance of an area or opportunities for informal recreation.
xvi: Outdoor sports facilities including tennis courts, bowling greens, sports pitches, golf courses, athletics tracks, school and other institutional playing fields and other outdoor sports areas.
xvii: Open space is defined in PPG17: Planning for open space, sport and recreation.
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