New tourist accommodation and attractions (viii) should be located in accordance with the sequential approach below: 

  • proposals for new build tourist accommodation and attractions should be located within the principal and secondary settlements
  • within the service villages, coastal service villages and the countryside proposals for new tourist accommodation and attractions will be permitted in line with other policies for employment areas, the reuse of buildings in the countryside, and extensions to existing businesses in the countryside
  • where it can be demonstrated that there are no sequentially preferable sites, no suitable buildings for reuse and that a rural location is necessary, then new build attractions and serviced accommodation may be permitted in the resorts and hinterland and rural tourism asset zones of the countryside where they are in close proximity and have good links to, the principal and secondary settlements

Proposals for new build unserviced holiday accommodation in the countryside will be treated as though they are permanent residential dwellings and will not be permitted.

viii: Excluding large scale sports facilities and commercial leisure see Policy EC5 Location of retail and commercial leisure development.

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