Development proposals that would result in the loss of sites or premises currently, or last used for, tourist accommodation (ix) will be permitted provided that: 

  • alternative provision of equivalent or better quality and scale is available in the area or will be provided and made available prior to commencement of redevelopment and the facility does not provide an important local facility or service (x) to the community


  • it can be demonstrated that there is no reasonable prospect of retention at its current site; and that an independent viability test has demonstrated that the use is no longer viable and that all reasonable efforts have been made to sell or let the property at a realistic price for a period of at least 12 months

ix: Hotels and other serviced establishments which provide 5 or more bedrooms, all self-catering units and touring, static caravans or  camping sites that provide more than 5 units.

x: Public house, bar, restaurant or leisure facility where this is within the countryside or is the last of its kind within a principal or secondary settlement or service village. 

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