Policy EN12 Relocation and replacement of development affected by coastal erosion risk
Proposals for the relocation and replacement of community facilities, commercial and business uses that are considered important to the wellbeing of a coastal community affected by coastal erosion will be permitted, provided that:
- the development replaces that which is affected (or threatened) by erosion within 50 years of the date of the proposal
- the new development is beyond the coastal erosion constraint area shown on the proposals map and is in a location that is well related to the coastal community from which it was displaced
- the site of the development or use it replaces is either cleared and the site rendered safe and managed for the benefit of the local environment, or put to a temporary use that is beneficial to the wellbeing of the local community, as appropriate
- taken overall (considering both the new development and that which is being replaced) the proposal should result in no detrimental impact upon the landscape, townscape or biodiversity of the area, having regard to any special designations
Proposals for the relocation and replacement of dwellings affected by erosion will be permitted, provided that:
- the development replaces a permanent dwelling (with unrestricted occupancy), which is affected (or threatened) by erosion within 20 years of the date of the proposal
- the new dwelling is comparable in size to that which it is to replace
- the relocated dwelling is within or adjacent to a selected settlement and is beyond the coastal erosion constraint area shown on the proposals map
- the site of the dwelling it replaces is either cleared, and the site rendered safe and managed for the benefit of the local environment, or put to a temporary use that is beneficial to the wellbeing of the local community, as appropriate. The future use of the site should be secured (by legal agreement) in perpetuity. Interim use as affordable housing will be considered beneficial to the well-being of the local community in interpreting this clause
- taken overall (considering both the new development and that which is being replaced) the proposal should result in no detrimental impact upon the landscape, townscape or biodiversity of the area, having regard to any special designations
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