Policy EN13 Pollution and hazard prevention and minimisation
All development proposals should minimise, and where possible reduce, all emissions and other forms of pollution, including light and noise pollution, and ensure no deterioration in water quality. Proposals will only be permitted where, individually or cumulatively, there are no unacceptable impacts on:
- the natural environment and general amenity
- health and safety of the public
- air quality
- surface and groundwater quality
- land quality and condition and the need for compliance with statutory environmental quality standards
Exceptions will only be made where it can be clearly demonstrated that the environmental benefits of the development and the wider social and economic need for the development outweigh the adverse impact.
Development proposals on contaminated land (or where there is reason to suspect contamination) must include an assessment of the extent of contamination and any possible risks. Proposals will only be permitted where the land is, or is made, suitable for the proposed use.
Development that increases the risk to life or property, except for that which is necessary to the operation of the use causing the hazard, will not be permitted:
- major hazard zones (xliii) and in the vicinity of existing developments that require particular conditions for their operation or that are authorised or licensed under pollution control or hazardous substances legislation (including hazardous pipelines) where new development would be likely to impose significant restrictions on the activities of the existing use in the future
xliii: As identified by the Health and Safety Executive
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