Policy EN2 Protection and enhancement of landscape and settlement character
Proposals for development should be informed by, and be sympathetic to, the distinctive character areas identified in the North Norfolk Landscape Character Assessment and features identified in relevant settlement character studies.
Development proposals should demonstrate that their location, scale, design and materials will protect, conserve and, where possible, enhance:
- the special qualities and local distinctiveness of the area (including its historical, biodiversity and cultural character)
- gaps between settlements, and their landscape setting
- distinctive settlement character
- the pattern of distinctive landscape features, such as watercourses, woodland, trees and field boundaries, and their function as ecological corridors for dispersal of wildlife
- visually sensitive skylines, hillsides, seascapes, valley sides and geological features
- nocturnal character
- the setting of, and views from, conservation areas and historic parks and gardens
- the defined setting of Sheringham Park, as shown on the proposals map
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