Renewable energy proposals will be supported and considered in the context of sustainable development and climate change, taking account of the wide environmental, social and economic benefits of renewable energy gain and their contribution to overcoming energy supply problems in parts of the district.

Proposals for renewable energy technology, associated infrastructure and integration of renewable technology on existing or proposed structures will be permitted where individually, or cumulatively, there are no significant adverse effects on:

  • the surrounding landscape, townscape and historical features or areas
  • residential amenity (noise, fumes, odour, shadow flicker, traffic, broadcast interference) and specific highway safety, designated nature conservation or biodiversity considerations

In areas of national importance (xxvi) large scale (xxvii) renewable energy infrastructure will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that the objectives of the designation are not compromised. Small-scale developments will be permitted where they are sympathetically designed and located, include any necessary mitigation measures and meet the criteria above. 

Large scale renewable energy proposals should deliver economic, social, environmental or community benefits that are directly related to the proposed development and are of reasonable scale and kind to the local area.

xxvi: SSSIs, National Nature Reserves, the Norfolk Coast AONB, the Heritage Coast and conservation areas

xxvii: Large scale is defined as those energy developments listed in Schedule 2 of the EIA Regulations 1999, including installations for the harnessing of wind power where the development involves the installation of more than 2 turbines or the hub height of any turbine or any structure exceeds 15 metres. Industrial installations for the production of electricity, steam and hot water where the area of the development exceeds 0.5 ha. Installations for hydroelectric energy production designed to produce more than 0.5 megawatts.

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