Development proposals, including alterations and extensions, should preserve or enhance the character and appearance of designated assets (xxix), other important historic buildings, structures, monuments and landscapes (xxx) and their settings through high quality, sensitive design. Development that would have an adverse impact on their special historic or architectural interest will not be permitted.

The reuse of listed buildings and buildings identified on a local list will be encouraged and the optimum viable use that is compatible with the fabric, interior and setting of the building will be permitted. Evidence supporting this should be submitted with proposals. New uses which result in harm to their fabric, character, appearance or setting will not be permitted.

Demolition of listed buildings and those identified on a local list will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances where it can be demonstrated that all reasonable efforts had been made to sustain existing uses or find viable new uses.

Proposals involving the demolition of non-listed buildings will be assessed against the contribution to the architectural or historic interest of the area made by that building.

Buildings which make a positive contribution to the character or appearance of an area should be retained. Where a building makes little contribution to the area, consent for demolition will be given provided that, in appropriate cases, there are acceptable and detailed plans for any redevelopment or after use.

Where required, development proposals affecting sites of known archaeological interest will include an assessment of their implications and ensure that provision is made for the preservation of important archaeological remains. The character and appearance of conservation areas will be preserved, and where possible enhanced, and, in consultation with all relevant stakeholders, area appraisals and management plans will be prepared and used to assist this aim and to encourage the highest quality building design, townscape creation and landscaping in keeping with the defined areas. 

xxix: Conservation areas, listed buildings, scheduled ancient monuments, historic parks and gardens and historic battlefields.

xxx: Locally important buildings identified by NNDC on a local list and other known historic environment assets recorded on the Norfolk Historic Environment record maintained by Norfolk Landscape Archaeology.

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