Policy HO1 Dwelling mix and type
Unless it is demonstrated that a proposal will address a specific identified local need for sheltered or supported accommodation, all new housing developments, including the conversion of existing buildings to dwellings, shall meet the following criteria:
- on schemes of three or four dwellings at least one dwelling shall comprise not more than 70sqm internal floor space and incorporate two bedrooms or fewer; and on schemes of five or more dwellings at least 40% of the total number of dwellings shall comprise such dwellings
- on schemes of five or more dwellings at least 20% of dwellings shall be suitable or easily adaptable for occupation by the elderly, infirm or disabled
Where this policy would result in the requirement relating to part of a dwelling the calculation will be rounded upwards.
The provision of purpose built and/or specialist accommodation for the elderly, in appropriate locations within selected settlements in accordance with Policy SS1, and well served by public transport and local services, will be supported provided that it does not detract from the character of the surrounding area or involve the use of land safeguarded for employment purposes where the need for such safeguarding remains.
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