Policy HO3 Affordable housing in the countryside
Proposals for affordable housing development within the area designated as countryside will be permitted only where:
- The proposal would help to meet a proven local housing need for affordable housing as demonstrated in the strategic housing market assessment and waiting list information and for schemes of 10 or more dwellings the site is situated within 100m of the boundary of a principal or secondary settlement or one of the defined service villages or coastal service villages.
- For schemes of 10 dwellings or fewer the site adjoins an existing group of ten or more dwellings; and is not situated within a 1 kilometre radius of any other scheme which has been permitted under this policy and the affordable housing provided is made available to people in local housing need at an affordable cost for the life of the property (the Council will ensure that any planning permission granted is subject to appropriate conditions and/or planning obligations to secure its affordability in perpetuity).
For the purposes of this policy local housing need means the need in the parish and adjacent parishes as evidenced by the strategic housing market assessment and the Council's waiting list or a local housing needs survey.
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