Sheringham is designated as a secondary settlement with a small town centre. The following development is proposed:

Between 2001 and 2021 a total of between 600 and 700 dwellings will be built. This will include 200 to 250 dwellings on newly identified development sites well related to the built up area where encroachment into the wider countryside setting of the town is minimised.

  • Development will not be permitted unless it has been demonstrated that there is adequate capacity in sewage treatment works (upgrades programmed for post 2011).
  • Between 500 to 750sqm of new comparison goods floor-space will be accommodated, respecting the small-shop nature of the town. Suitable sites for development of new retail floor space will be allocated in the SSP and a suitable central site for the market will be safeguarded.
  • Approximately 6 hectares of land will be identified for employment generating development comprising 6 of the 8 hectares already in use or designated for this purpose.
  • A public realm designation is defined to co-ordinate the use of areas where pedestrian access, informal recreation and appearance are crucial to the town’s attractiveness to residents and visitors.
  • Important approach routes are designated to protect and enhance the setting and approaches into the town.
  • All major new development in Sheringham must demonstrate no adverse impact on the hydrology of Norfolk Valley Fens Special Area of Conservation (Sheringham and Beeston Regis Common) and developments within the groundwater catchment of this site must fully mitigate the impact of all hard surfacing to minimise storm run-off. 

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