Policy SS13 Stalham
Stalham is designated as a secondary settlement with a small town centre. The following development is proposed:
- Between 2001 and 2021 a total of between 300 and 400 dwellings will be built. This will include 150 to 200 dwellings on newly identified development sites well related to the built up area.
- Development will not be permitted unless it has been demonstrated that there is adequate capacity in sewage treatment works (upgrades programmed for post 2016) and electricity provision, and should ensure no adverse effects on European wildlife sites.
- Approximately 5 hectares of land will be identified for employment generating development including 3.5 hectares on new allocations in locations with good access to the A149.
- Retail, service, community facilities and other appropriate town centre uses, of an appropriate scale only, will be encouraged within the town centre to help revitalise it and strengthen its particular and wider role as a service centre for the Broads and surrounding rural catchment area.
- All new major development in Stalham will address storm water run off to ensure no adverse impact on the Broads Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
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