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Amenity Green Space Study
This background paper forms part of the Council’s evidence base to inform plan making for Open Spaces of all descriptions. This includes existing designated Open Land Areas, Education and Formal Recreation Areas and potential new Local Green Spaces as part of the emerging North Norfolk Local Plan.
This study has looked at all types with sources of sites drawn from the existing Core Strategy designations, a ‘call for sites’ process allowing parish and town councils to put forward suggestions, and officer review. The result is a comprehensive assessment of amenity land of one type or another in and around the districts existing selected settlements (as identified in Core Strategy Policy SS1) and in those parishes where town and parish councils choose to put forward additional suggestions for review.
The document is an evidence document and does not reach conclusions about which spaces might be protected in the new local plan or what policies might apply. These will be matters for the emerging Local Plan to address. The First Draft Local Plan consultation will allow interested parties to comment on proposed designations and to nominate other sites for consideration where appropriate.
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