Local plan examination latest news
Documents are continually being added to the examination library as the examination progresses. We advise interested parties to check the library regularly.
March 2025
24 March
The Planning Inspector has updated the draft programme for the resumed hearings to include details of participants.
10 March
The Planning Inspector has updated the draft programme for the resumed hearings:
Please note the following key changes:
- Session 3 (Stalham) has moved from the afternoon session on Tuesday 8 April, to item 2 of the afternoon session on Wednesday 9 April.
- Session 7 (Briston) has been brought forward from the afternoon on Wednesday 9 April, to the last item for the morning session on Wednesday 9 April.
- Session 8 (Ludham) will be the first item for the afternoon session on Wednesday 9 April.
With the exception of Session 1 at 10am and Session 2 at 2.30pm, all morning sessions will start at 9.30am, and all afternoon sessions will start at 1pm.
4 March
The Schedule of (Further Consultation) Representations Addendum has been added to the examination library. This incorporates representations FC113 and FC132, which were omitted from the Schedule of (Further Consultation) Representations main report (EH006 (l)).
February 2025
19 February
Following the Further Consultation held during November and December 2024, the Inspector requires further hearing sessions to take place to enable discussion on a range of newly identified matters. In accordance with Regulation 24 of the Local Planning Regulations, the Council has issued a Formal Notice of the date, time and place at which the resumed hearing sessions are to be held.
The Planning Inspector has provided the anticipated programme for the resumed hearings, the matters, issues and questions which will form the basis of the discussions, and a covering letter setting out general guidance and detailing his expectations:
- Resumed Hearings: Inspector's Note, Matters, Issues and Questions, and Draft Hearings Programme (Version 1).
This has since been updated. Please see update from 10 March 2025 for the most recent version.
Further information can be found in the Formal Notice.
3 February
The Council has responded to the inspector's letter (EH006 (i)), received on 13 December 2024, about the next steps following the Further Local Plan Consultation held from November to December 2024.
The letter provides a formal submission of all responses received during the consultation, including the Council's response. It also includes a schedule of proposed main modifications to the Plan, which the Council deems necessary following further consultation. These proposed changes have been submitted for the inspector's consideration as part of the ongoing examination. These new documents can be viewed below or within section 1 of the examination library.
- EH006 (k) Submission of (Further Consultation) Representations and Proposed Main Modifications Letter
- EH006 (l) Schedule of (Further Consultation) Representations
- EH006 (m) Schedule of (Further Consultation) Proposed Main Modifications
It is expected that further public hearing sessions will take place in the spring. Further details will be provided here when they are available.
January 2025
17 January
The inspector has issued a letter relating to the five-year housing land requirement, in light of the latest housing delivery test results.
December 2024
19 December
The consultation on proposed changes to the submitted local plan has now closed. Thank you to all those who participated. Further updates will be published here in due course.
13 December
The inspector has issued a new letter, which was received by the Council on 13 December 2024. The letter confirms the Council's good progress in addressing the main soundness issues which have been raised, and sets out the Inspector's immediate and longer-term expectations following the close of the local plan further consultation on Thursday 19 December, particularly in relation to the potential for further public hearing sessions.
November 2024
7 November
The Council is now consulting on a number of proposed changes to the submission version Local Plan. The purpose of the consultation is to allow feedback on the Council's proposals to address the main areas of concern identified in the inspector's initial findings. The consultation closes at midday on Thursday 19 December. Full details of the consultation can be found at local plan consultation.
Read our latest news release local plan further consultation now open.
September 2024
6 September 2024
The inspector has published a new letter in reply to the Council's letter of 16 August, made in response to the inspector's initial findings on the soundness and legal compliance of the examined Draft Local Plan. This letter positively acknowledges the Council's intended course of action and timeline to address the main soundness issues. The Inspector is not inviting or accepting comments from other parties at this stage.
August 2024
16 August
The Council has responded to the inspector's letter, published on 25 July 2024. The letter confirms the Council's intended course of action on a number of soundness issues identified by the Inspector. It also sets out an action plan and timeline to address the main soundness issues.
July 2024
25 July
The inspector has published there initial findings about the soundness and legal compliance of the examined draft local plan. In there letter, Mr Reed confirms that the Council has met the Duty to Cooperate (with neighbouring authorities) and other legal requirements relating to the preparation of the plan. They also conclude that 'there is a clear way forward for the plan', subject to addressing a number of main soundness issues identified in the letter.
There letter will be considered by the Council before further public consultation is carried out to get feedback on the proposals for addressing the Inspector's main areas of concern.
Read our latest news release local plan milestone reached as inspector publishes initial findings.
May 2024
24 May
Following the announcement of the General Election taking place on 4 July, the inspector has issued a letter notifying the Council of a temporary embargo on issuing local plan related letters or reports. The Planning Inspectorate guidance says: "... in order to avoid making announcements that could be politically sensitive, the Planning Inspectorate will not be issuing any letters regarding the soundness or legal compliance of local plans".
Consequently, the Council does not expect to be in receipt of a post-examination hearings letter to advise of next steps until, at the earliest, the week beginning 8 July.
April 2024
4 April
The actions raised by the inspector during the week 3 hearing sessions for Matter 7 and Matter 10, incorporating response by the Council, have been published in the examination library.
March 2024
7 March
The third and final week of the programmed examination hearing sessions are completed. The Council wishes to thank all parties for their attendance and participation, and to all those who observed the proceedings. Further information will continue to be provided here when available.
1 March
The actions raised by the Inspector during the week 2 hearing sessions for Matter 5, incorporating response by the Council, have been published in the examination library.
February 2024
27 February
The agenda for Matter 9 (climate change policies) has been published ahead of the hearing session on Tuesday 5 March. The agenda for Matter 10 and Matter 11 (healthy communities policies and environment policies) has been published ahead of the hearing session on Wednesday 6 March.
23 February
The agenda for Matter 7 (housing trajectory, five year supply and HOU policies 3,4,6 to 9) has been published ahead of the hearing session on Thursday 7 March.
19 February
Following the examination hearing on Tuesday 13 February, the inspector has written to the Council seeking further clarification regarding the proposed allocation of land west of North Walsham.
16 February
The actions raised by the Inspector during the week 1 hearing sessions for Matter 1, Matter 2, Matter 3, Matter 4 and Matter 6, incorporating response by the Council, have been published in the examination library.
15 February
The second week of examination hearing sessions are completed.
9 February
The agenda for Matter 5 (Places and Sites) has been published ahead of the hearing sessions starting on Tuesday 13 February.
January 2024
30 January
The Planning Inspectorate has provided a revised examination hearings programme (version 5).
25 January
The first week of examination hearing sessions is completed.
22 January
The agenda for Matter 8 (employment policies and allocations) has been published ahead of the hearing session starting on Thursday 25 January.
21 January
The Planning Inspectorate has provided a revised Examination Hearings Programme (Version 4).
19 January
The agendas for the following matters have been published in the examination library ahead of the related hearing sessions, starting Tuesday 23 January.
- Matter 1 Duty to co-operate, habitats regulation assessment, plan period and other legal requirements
- Matter 2 Spatial strategy (SS policies)
- Matter 3 Delivering sufficient homes (policy HOU1)
- Matter 4 Delivering the right mix of housing (policy HOU2)
- Matter 6 Gypsy, traveller and travelling showpeople’s accommodation (policy HOU5)
5 January
Deadline for responding to the Inspectors Issues, Matters and Questions. All responses have been published in the examination library.
December 2023
20 December
The Planning Inspectorate has provided a revised Examination Hearings Programme (Version 3).
15 December
The Planning Inspectorate has provided a revised Examination Hearings Programme (Version 2). This version incorporates the anticipated date and time for the discussion of individual matters. It also includes the names of those persons or organisations who have indicated their intention to speak at the hearings.
4 December
In accordance with Regulation 24 of the Local Planning Regulations, the Council has issued a formal notice of the date, time and place at which the examination hearings are to be held, and the name of the person appointed to carry out the independent examination.
November 2023
3 November
The Planning Inspectorate provided the initial Examination Hearings Programme, the matters issues and questions which form the basis of the examination discussions, and the examination guidance document. See section 1 for further details.
October 2023
30 October
The final response to the Inspector's initial clarification letter was updated to correct a numerical error on page 18.
September 2023
27 September
The Council provide its final response to the Inspector's initial clarification letter.
Additional documents were added to section 1 of the library in support of document EX006:
- EX007 Five Year Housing Land Supply 2023 to 2028
- EX008 Habitat Regulations update on Nutrient Neutrality
- EX009 Statement of Common Ground with Natural England on Nutrient Neutrality Policy
August 2023
11 August 2023
The Council responded to the inspector's clarification letter about question 7 of document EX002 on the standard method housing calculation figure.
July 2023
25 July
The Council received a clarification letter about question 7 of document EX002 on the standard method housing calculation figure.
14 July
The Council provided its preliminary response to the initial letter of the inspector.
June 2023
26 June
The Council received the initial letter of the inspector which raises preliminary questions for clarification.
May 2023
30 May
The Planning Inspectorate confirmed the appointment of inspector Mr David Reed to complete the independent examination of the North Norfolk Local Plan. See document EX001, which can be found in section 1 of the examination library.
11 May
The North Norfolk Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination.
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