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Land at Heath Farm / Hempstead Road, Holt (H09)
The Site Allocations Development Plan makes proposals for a mixed use development on land at Heath Farm / Hempstead Road, Holt. Policy H09 of the Site Allocations Plan requires the prior approval of a Development Brief and states that it will incorporate:
- approx 200 dwellings (site area allows for up to 290 dwellings)
- not less than 5 hectares of land in employment generating uses of which not less than 3.5 hectares shall comprise serviced industrial land, public open space, and community facilities
- provision of significant internal open spaces, hedgerow and tree planting within the site and a landscape buffer to the A148 and the adjacent County Wildlife Site
- provision of a direct pedestrian / cycleway connection to Hempstead Road underpass
Following a period of public consultation (details below), a Development Brief was considered and approved by North Norfolk District Council's Cabinet Committee on 15 July 2013. The document is available to view or download below along with comments made during the public consultation:
- Holt Development Brief
- Representations Report - responses to public consultation
A Planning Application (PF 13/1306) on this site is currently being considered. The application seeks approval for residential (215 dwellings) and employment development including provision of public open space, roundabout and vehicular link road. To view details of the planning permission please visit the Planning Search page.
Previous Consultation
The North Norfolk Site Allocations Development Plan Document, adopted in 2011, includes an area of Holt to be allocated for a mixed use development comprising housing, employment land, public open space and community facilities.
The North Norfolk Site Allocations Development Plan Document, adopted in 2011, includes an area of Holt to be allocated for a mixed use development comprising housing, employment land, public open space and community facilities. The adopted Plan requires that a Development Brief is first prepared to inform detailed proposals for the site. The purpose of the brief is to provide:
- an overall vision for the comprehensive mixed-use development of the site
- clarity regarding access, movement, mix of uses, layout, built form, density of development, appearance, landscape and phasing
- guidance for the preparation and determination of future planning applications for development in accordance with adopted policies
A draft development brief has now been prepared for public consultation: Draft Development Brief, Land at Heath Farm/Hempstead Road, Holt
Drop-in Event
A public drop-in session is taking place at St. Andrews Church Hall, Church Street, Holt on Tuesday 30 April from 3 - 7pm. This is a good opportunity to discuss the contents of the draft development brief with members of the Council’s planning team.
If you are unable to attend the event you can still see a static exhibition about the proposed development brief at Holt Library from 1 May until close of the consultation period. If you wish to discuss the development brief with planning staff, please contact us on 01263 516318.
Please note: a separate exhibition will be taking place at the 30 April event where representatives from the two largest landowners of the site will be presenting indicative plans for the development on their part of the site. It is proposed this will include a residential development of 200 - 215 dwellings along with five hectares of employment land and public open space. The purpose of their exhibition will be to obtain the public’s views on an outline planning application on their land, due to be submitted by the end of May 2013.
Should you have any comments regarding the Development Brief, please send them by either email to or post to:
Major Developments Team
North Norfolk District Council
Holt Road
NR27 9EN
The deadline for receipt of comments is Monday 20 May 2013.
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