Warm Homes grant available after successful bid

Date published: 13th April 2022
North Norfolk District Council, as part of the Norfolk Warm Homes Consortium, has been successful in a bid for £3.85 million of government grant to provide energy efficiency improvement works to homes occupied by low-income households within Norfolk.
The grant is aimed at supporting low income residents to reduce their energy bills and increase the thermal comfort of their homes through a subsidy towards increasing the energy efficiency of their property.
For homeowners, if your gross household income is £30,000 or less the grant will cover the cost of the works.
For landlords, you could get a two-thirds subsidy for works to improve the energy efficiency of your property (if your tenants are on gross household incomes of £30,000 or less)
This grant is aimed at residents who have properties with a low energy rating (EPC band E, F or G)
The grant will go towards the cost of works to better insulate your home, which can include loft cavity wall and external wall insulation if your property is suitable.
Also available under the scheme, properties can benefit from low carbon energy by replacing an inefficient heating system with a renewable air source heat pump.
Cllr Tim Adams, Leader of the Council said:
“Energy bills are soaring and low-income households, facing fuel poverty and hardship. If you want to keep your energy bills low and reduce your carbon emissions, installing insulation in your home is one of the best ways to keep the heat in, and cold out.
This grant is only available until March 2023, so we want to sure as many people as possible in North Norfolk take advantage of what is available to them.”
The funding is part of the government’s sustainable warmth programme.
Norfolk Warm Homes have a list of approved, tested contractors who undertake the work for you.
If you would like to find out more information about this please visit www.norfolkwarmhomes.org.uk or email energy@north-norfolk.gov.uk
Last updated: 12th April 2023