Committee to discuss parking charges review

Date published: 11th January 2022
A possible review of car parking charges is to be considered by North Norfolk District Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee tomorrow (Wednesday, January 12).
Daily charges in the Council’s car parks have not been increased since 2016 – and the excellent-value car park season tickets have not been increased since 2009.
The Council relies on revenue from its car parks to support and improve good quality tourism infrastructure in the district, with funds generated through the charges to be used to support:
- Maintenance of the six Blue Flag beaches in the district
- Provision of beach lifeguards
- Effective management of promenades
- Increased cleansing and litter bin provision
- Maintenance of iconic tourism asset Cromer Pier
- Investment in repairing and redecorating beach chalets in Cromer and Sheringham and beach/clifftop shelters throughout the district
- An ambitious programme of investment in provision of public toilets in our market towns
- Investments/improvements to clifftop gardens at North Lodge Park and Runton Road in Cromer and The Leas in Sheringham
The unprecedented circumstances caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have delayed such a car parking review being carried out earlier. In addition, the Government has not progressed previously anticipated changes to local government finance, such as the Fair Funding Review, Comprehensive Spending Review and changes to Business Rates.
This means that while North Norfolk District Council’s short-term financial position remains secure, in the medium-term it is anticipated the Council would face moving into a deficit budget position without a strategy to broaden its revenue generation.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider an officer options appraisal concerning a car park charges review tomorrow and then pass on any comments and recommendations to Cabinet, who are scheduled to discuss the matter in their next meeting on Monday, January 31.
Last updated: 12th April 2023