Draft Neighbourhood Plan for Blakeney reaches final stages

Date published: 23rd March 2022
North Norfolk District Council has received the submission version of the Blakeney Neighbourhood Development Plan.
A six-week consultation of the draft plan is commencing between Monday 28 March and Monday 9 May, 2022, after which it will be considered by an independent examiner.
Neighbourhood Plans can be used by local communities to influence the planning of the area in which they live and work. They can be used to develop a shared vision for a neighbourhood, to choose where new homes, shops, offices and other development should be built. They also help to identify and protect important local green spaces, and to influence what new buildings should look like.
The consultation documents and response form are available to view online at www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/blakeneynp.
Responses should be returned to planning.policy@north-norfolk.gov.uk or by post to: Planning Policy Team, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN and received by no later than midnight on Monday 9 May, 2022.
Paper copies are available to view at: The Parish Council Office, Langham Road, Blakeney, NR25 7PG by prior arrangement with the parish clerk. Copies can also be viewed at NNDC, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN during normal opening hours.
A printed copy can be requested from clerk@blakeneyparishcouncil.org.uk or by telephoning 01263 741106.
Comments are invited on the content of the draft plan and in particular are encouraged to address whether or not the proposed plan fulfils the ‘basic conditions’ tests that the appointed examiner will be required to undertake, more details of which can be found on the government's Neighbourhood Planning page.
All comments received will be provided to the examiner following the close of the consultation.
Last updated: 11th December 2024