Council approves Quality of Life Strategy

Date published: 24th May 2022
North Norfolk District Council is pleased to have developed a Quality of Life Strategy, a key objective of its Corporate Plan. This was approved by Cabinet at their meeting on May 3rd, 2022.
The strategy has received support from the Environment & Quality of Life Scrutiny Panel, the Health and Wellbeing Partnership, Public Health and the Norfolk Police.
This is the result of hard work, thought and research that seeks to define quality of life:
The strategy focuses on:
- Sustainability (and energy use)
- Education and learning
- People, communities and participation
- Transportation
- Mental health and isolation
- Housing
- Covid response and recovery
- Cost of living
- Levelling up
- Ukrainian families’ resettlement
- Working in partnership
With analysis and research, it examines various tables of comparison to measure accomplishments in this area.
The strategy gives a profile of North Norfolk and identifies where greater efforts should be made and what future actions should be taken. These are set out in an accompanying Action Plan, which includes objectives and measures.
The council is uniquely well placed to affect many of the factors which make life better for our residents, including but not limited to housing, woodlands, beaches, air quality, leisure centres, community grants and economic growth. These things and many more determine the quality of lives in North Norfolk.
This is a live document and will be altered as situations change and further accomplishments are made; it is a foundation for future work rather than a blueprint.
Cllr. Virginia Gay, portfolio holder for Leisure, Wellbeing and Culture said:
“I would like to thank the groups which have supported our quality of life strategy. There's hardly an area of North Norfolk District Council's work which does not touch upon the quality of life of those of us who live here.
But very few district councils have made an explicit commitment to the well-being of their residents by writing a strategy like this one. We hope that it will be a guide to even better work in the future.”
Last updated: 12th April 2023