Cost of Living survey results

Date published: 28th November 2022
In early November, the Council held a Cost of Living Summit supported by a wide range of organisations across North Norfolk.
The Summit received presentations from several organisations, including Cromer Foodbank, Norfolk Community Foundation and Salvation Army, on issues and initiatives linked to food poverty and from Council employees on issues and initiatives relating to energy poverty.
As part of the Summit, the Council asked residents to complete a Cost of Living survey and the results were shared at the Cost of Living Summit.
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the survey.
A total of 966 residents responded to questions about how the cost of living has affected them and their changes in spending habits.
Key findings of the survey
Compared to six months ago, how would you describe your financial situation?
85 per cent say their financial situation has worsened in the last six months.
Changes in financial situation pie chart
Which of the following are you doing because the cost of living has increased?
Over 700 respondents say they have decreased their spending on non-essentials and are using less fuel, for example, oils, gas and electricity. Over 500 respondents also say they have cut down on non-essential journeys and are spending less on food shopping and essentials.
Changes in spending bar chart
Are you worried about money issues?
Are you worried about money issues?
Have you done any of the following in the last 12 months?
Bar chart showing changes in the last 12 months
Do you feel your mental health has suffered as a result of cost of living worries?
A worrying 66 per cent of North Norfolk residents who responded to the survey said the rising cost of living has had a detrimental effect on their mental health.
pie chart showing mental health
Cllr. Lucy Shires, portfolio holder for Organisational Resources, said:
“I would like to thank all of the residents who took the time to complete the Cost of Living survey. At the Cost of Living Summit, we had a wide range of organisations in attendance and the presentation of the survey results was beneficial in gaining knowledge about how the cost of living crisis is affecting the residents of North Norfolk.
“I’m really hopeful that collectively from the summit and the further discussion at Cabinet on December 5, we can find some solutions that will help us support residents further.”
The Council will consider the issues raised at the Summit at the Cabinet meeting on December 5 and will be identifying actions that can be taken forward by NNDC and partners to support residents in managing the worst impacts of the rising cost of living.
Further advice and support
If you need advice and support, there are several ways we can help, and getting help as soon as possible can prevent things from getting worse.
Visit our cost of living page for further advice and support from the Council, local organisations and charities.
Last updated: 7th July 2023