Council to work towards domestic abuse housing Accreditation with appointment of new officer

Date published: 25th November 2022
The Council has renewed its’ commitment to supporting residents with their housing in North Norfolk who are victims and survivors of domestic abuse, with the appointment of a Domestic Abuse Project Officer.
The new officer will work within the Council’s Housing team, helping to achieve the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) accreditation.
This accreditation is the highest standard that housing sectors can be rewarded with for their response to domestic abuse. In achieving the DAHA accreditation, local authorities learn to respond quicker, earlier and with greater efficiency so that victims and survivors can be safe and housed securely, whether they remain in their own home or are provided with alternative accommodation.
The appointment of this officer will lead this project of accreditation, implementing new measures, as well as enhancing what is already in place to ensure best practice.
Hear from Cathryn Osborn-Vergeson, Domestic Abuse Support Officer:
According to the Office of National Statistics (Nov. 2021), domestic abuse crimes rose by 6% to 845,734 on average. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime and 2 women per week are killed as a result.
Around 22% of all crimes in Norfolk are related to domestic abuse – many routine or isolated incidents will go unreported to the police, for fears of repercussion, personal safety or through emotional manipulation.
Cllr. Wendy Fredericks, portfolio holder for Housing and Benefits, said:
“As a result of helping families flee abuse, NNDC, abuse survivors and agencies came together to identify gaps in support in North Norfolk; I am proud to say that their voices helped shape the Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service (NIDAS), a free and confidential service for people to get help when victims need it most.
At NNDC, our people services staff have been specially trained to help those suffering domestic abuse too. We are committed to provide the right support at the right time for those who need us."
Friday 25 November marks both White Ribbon Day and the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which promotes 16 days of activism through to 10 December, ending on Human Rights Day
White Ribbon UK are a charity which seeks to prevent violence against women and girls, by engaging men and boys by addressing harmful attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate inequality and men’s violence against women.
Important links:
If you are a victim of domestic abuse, feel unsafe in your relationship or housing arrangement, or need to talk to someone, there are several helplines available for you.
• Norfolk Integrated Domestic Abuse Service: 0300 561 0555
• 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247
• Leeway: 0300 510 077
• Respect Men’s Advice Line: 0808 810327
• Mankind: 01823 334244
If you are worried about your own behaviour and feel you may be putting your partner at risk you can ring Respect on 0808 8024040
If you need emergency support, ring 999 and ask for the Police. If it is too unsafe to talk, press 55 after dialling 999
Last updated: 12th April 2023