Cromer landlord fined after tribunal appeal

Date published: 27th October 2022
A landlord in Cromer has been issued with a £16,000 penalty, after the Residential Property Tribunal dismissed an appeal and upheld a financial penalty notice.
The Council issued the landlord with an Improvement Notice, which escalated to a Financial Penalty after remedial works were not completed within the specified timeframe.
An officer from the Council's Environmental Protection visited the property after tenants raised concerns about living conditions. The inspection confirmed that the accommodation contained hazards, including excess cold and electrical disrepair.
Leader of the Council, Tim Adams, said:
“If you are a private landlord, it is your responsibility to make sure that the property you are letting out is safe for tenants and is in good condition as to not present a hazard to the health of those tenants.
I am pleased that the Residential Property Tribunal has upheld the financial penalty notice and that the landlord has been held accountable to their privately rented property.”
If landlords in North Norfolk are letting out properties in inadequate or dangerous conditions, under the Housing Act 2004, the Council will serve improvement notices or financial penalty notices to protect tenants from hazardous living conditions.
If you are a tenant and are concerned about the property you are letting, you can contact the Council’s Environmental Protection team at
Find out more information for private landlords and tenants.
Last updated: 26th June 2023