Cromer Pier maintenance works to begin in October

Date published: 30th September 2022
Essential sub-structure works on the iconic Cromer Pier are due to commence at the beginning of October.
The works, which will cost around £1.2m, are vital for the structural integrity of the much loved Cromer landmark and will help in future proofing it for years to come. They will be delivered in two simultaneous phases:
Sub-structure works:
Underneath the Pier, a programme of structural steel works will commence, including the replacement or reinforcement of trusses, steel sections, deck bearers and tie-bars. Some of the works will involve the removal of areas of decking, and subsequent replacement where required with EKKI timbers from FSC forests in West Africa.
A steel gantry will be installed beneath the decking, making future inspections and maintenance more efficient and cost-effective, allowing repairs to be made by the Council’s Property Services teams and sub-contractors, rather than specialist contractors.
The last programme of works saw repairs to the sacrificial concrete encasements protecting the pier legs from continual wave action. These works were completed by specialist diving teams, strengthening the steel support legs that are embedded into the seabed.
Sub-structure works, undertaken by UK Industrial Services, will begin from 3 October 2022. The works will be managed by NNDC's Property Services team and the Hemsley Orrell Partnership, structural engineers and pier experts, based in Hove.
While the works are undertaken, Cromer Pier, including the Pavilion Theatre & Bar, Box Office, Tides Restaurant, the shop and toilets will remain fully operational and the public will still be able to access them.
Cllr. Eric Seward, portfolio holder for Finance and Assets said:
“The Pier will be undergoing essential works to strengthen it; as an external structure to the North Sea, it requires costly maintenance from time-to-time to keep it in good condition, so that we can continue to enjoy this truly special icon of the North Norfolk coast.
We’re pleased that we can undertake the works with minimal disruption to the wonderful businesses run by Openwide Coastal Ltd and residents and visitors will still be able to use the Pier without closures.”
Pavilion Theatre works:
From January, there will be a £250,000 refurbishment of the Pavilion Theatre, including the renovation of the theatre toilets, including the provision of new accessible facilities.
As part of the works, a new bar and servery area will be delivered over a six-week period from January, when the Pavilion Theatre is not showing any evening or daytime shows.
The bar will be closed during this period.
A new drainage system will be installed underneath the pier, to improve the systems as part of the public conveniences layout, allowing easier repairs in the future.
Sean Garrett Business Manager at Cromer Pier said:
“We are delighted to welcome the continued investment into the future of the pier.”
Cromer Pier, a Grade 2 listed structure, is over a hundred years old and set out against the North Sea, an extremely harsh environment for any building. Every five years, an advanced survey is undertaken as part of the significant and ongoing maintenance regime to ensure its' future.
There may be some disruption to beach access directly below the pier at low tide.
The RNLI launch site at the end of the Pier will also remain operational and continue to provide their vital service.
Last updated: 12th April 2023