North Norfolk Waiting Well Project Update

Date published: 11th December 2023
Between November 2022 and October 2023, the North Norfolk Waiting Well Project contacted and supported 361 patients who were waiting for hip and knee surgeries at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals.
The project offered advice and support aimed at helping patients to live as safely and as independently as possible while they wait for their treatment.
The project helped patients in the following ways:
- 72 people were supported to obtain disability living aids or equipment, including 43 people referred for occupational therapy assessments.
- 32 people received advice about adapting their home due to disability, including 11 people supported to apply for Disabled Facilities Grants.
- 165 people were signposted to accessible and local exercise classes, including 61 people referred for exercise courses for people with joint complaints.
- 25 people were referred to Carers Matters Norfolk for carers assessments.
- 37 people were referred to Financial Inclusion for advice about claiming benefits.
- 29 people were supported with applying for Blue Badges.
- 21 people were signposted to North Norfolk Community Transport services.
The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project was funded by the NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board and worked with partner organisations to help improve the quality of life for patients by making sure people were aware of and connected with local support services across the District.
Nathan Fox, North Norfolk District Council, Waiting Well Officer, said:
“The North Norfolk Waiting Well Project has been a great success with many patients telling us to continue with this great idea. It’s an example of best practice – reaching out to patients before they reach a crisis to find out how we can help and possibly prevent falls and hospital admissions by doing so. We hope to continue providing these types of services in the future.”
Cllr Liz Withington, Portfolio holder for Community, Leisure and Outreach, said:
"In these difficult times when patients can face long wait times for surgery and treatment, the Waiting Well project is an excellent example of how working together as partners and how organisations can support our residents when living with a long-term and often painful condition to, stay well, be as active as possible and to resolve issues that are detrimental to their health and well-being.
"Importantly, this scheme has helped prevent further deterioration of people’s health and well-being by supporting people who would otherwise become isolated and possibly experience financial difficulty and preventing falls and further hospital admissions. All of which can detrimentally impact the positive outcomes of surgery on our residents' future health and wellbeing."
Cllr. Wendy Fredericks, Portfolio holder for Housing & People Services said:
“Nathan has directly helped so many of our residents. As Portfolio Holder I am very proud of their work and hope the ICB and NHS can see the benefit of this project.”
Self-referral and self-help guidance
You can still self-refer to the North Norfolk Waiting Well Project until further notice:
- Using our online form
- Emailing
- You can also visit our online guidance to help you navigate relevant local services
Last updated: 12th December 2023