Council launches Wonky Wheels Project for Ukrainian families

Date published: 2nd June 2023
North Norfolk District Council, in partnership with Active Norfolk and Wonky Wheels, is launching a project to provide Ukrainians residing in North Norfolk with bicycles to use.
This project is funded through the Sport England Together Fund and is part of the Council’s joint locality work with Active Norfolk.
The Wonky Wheels Community Bicycle Workshop is a charity based in Hethersett who provide people with the opportunity to cycle by supplying refurbished bicycles to members of the local community who may not have the means to otherwise own their own bike.
Wonky Wheels rely on bicycle donations from the public that are not utilised, outgrown, or no longer required. These donated bicycles are checked over by volunteers and repaired (if necessary) to ensure they are safe and suitable for residents.
The Council and Active Norfolk are launching the scheme for residents who have arrived in the District from Ukraine.
On Friday, the first bicycles were delivered to the Council offices in Cromer and will be dropped off to families later.
Oksana (NNDC), Guy and Russ (Wonky Wheels) and Sean received the first bikes
Oksana Croom, Ukrainian Community Support Officer, NNDC, said:
“We’re very glad to receive the bikes from the Wonky Wheels team, and this is going to be very helpful for our Ukrainian families and people who live in rural areas to get places, and they’ll just be very glad to have this opportunity to explore our beautiful district.”
Wonky Wheels is always on the lookout for quality bicycles to be donated. If you have a bike which is no longer in use and you would like to donate it, you can find out more here - Bicycle Donations – Wonky Wheels Community Bicycle Workshop
Last updated: 2nd June 2023