Cromer Pier works win prestigious engineering award
Pier recognised twice by National Pier Society

Date published: 22nd June 2023
Substructure works at Cromer Pier have been recognised at the National Pier Society, as marine structural engineers HOP are awarded the prestigious Peter Mason Award.
The Peter Mason Award is given to significant projects demonstrating engineering excellence in restoring or building a British Pier.
North Norfolk District Council was pleased to nominate pier experts HOP for the award following their involvement with the programme of substructure works.
The works have involved replacing or reinforcing trusses, steel sections, deck bearers and tie-bars, including the removal of areas of decking and subsequent replacement where required with EKKI timbers from FSC forests in West Africa.
Image of Cromer Pier engineering work
Cllr. Lucy Shires, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Estates & Property Services, said:
“We’re delighted that the excellent work on Cromer Pier’s substructure is being recognised, as the HOP are awarded the Peter Mason Award.
The Pier requires significantly technical work to maintain it as the facility we all love - we are pleased that it can enjoyed by residents and visitors in the future. ”
The Council’s £1.2m investment into the essential works, are vital for the structural integrity of the Grade II listed structure and help in future proofing it for years to come.
A steel gantry was installed beneath the decking, making future inspections and maintenance more efficient and cost-effective, allowing repairs to be made by the Council’s Property Services teams and sub-contractors, rather than specialist contractors.
Cromer Pier was also the National Pier Society’s runner-up ‘Pier of the Year’ for 2023.
Last updated: 22nd June 2023