Holt Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

Date published: 2nd June 2023
A public referendum on whether to approve the Holt Neighbourhood Development Plan will take place on Thursday, 29 June.
The referendum will be held at Holt Methodist Church, Norwich Road, Holt, with voting open between 7am and 10pm. Please note that the Holt Methodist Church has limited parking; however, additional public parking is available on Kerridge Way.
Holt residents eligible to vote will receive polling cards in the post with the full election details. Voters who attend the referendum will be asked: “Do you want North Norfolk District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Holt to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area?”
Once the public vote has been counted, and if more than 50% of individuals vote ‘yes’, the Council will formally adopt the Holt Neighbourhood Plan.
If the Holt Neighbourhood Plan is approved, it will help determine future planning applications in the Neighbourhood Plan Area and form part of the statutory Development Plan for North Norfolk.
For further details of what the Holt Neighbourhood Plan involves, please visit: www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/holtnp
At this referendum, voters must show an accepted form of photo ID to be able to vote. Further information can be found at www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/voterid
Voting by post is also an option and anyone who is already registered to vote can request a postal vote application form at: www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/elections. Alternatively, an application form can be requested by emailing: postalvotes@north-norfolk.gov.uk or by calling 01263 516046.
Completed postal vote, applications should be returned to: North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9EN or by email to postalvotes@north-norfolk.gov.uk no later than 5pm, Wednesday, 14 June.
Proxy voting is also available by requesting an application form via the methods stated above. Applications to vote by proxy must be received by 5pm Wednesday, 21 June.
Last updated: 2nd June 2023