Draft 2023-2027 Corporate Plan approved at Full Council meeting

Date published: 28th July 2023
At North Norfolk District Council's Full Council meeting on July 19, 2023, a draft version of the 2023-2027 Corporate Plan was approved.
The final version of the Corporate Plan will be finalised later this month but you can read the statement from Cllr Tim Adams and view the draft version below.
Statement from Leader of the Council, Cllr. Tim Adams
North Norfolk is an incredibly special place but with this comes many challenges. This Corporate Plan sets out our priorities and ambitions of what we want to achieve for the residents, communities and businesses of North Norfolk between 2023 to 2027.
With more than 45 miles of some of the mostly rapidly changing coastline in Western Europe and significant stretches of the Norfolk Broads including internationally recognised chalk streams, we are at the frontline of climate change and the human impact on the natural environment. Our continued priority to achieve net zero by 2030 will result in changes to how we provide services and investment in our assets and property. We aim to play a prominent role in guiding the development of hydrogen production or carbon capture and storage at Bacton Gas Terminals.
Building on the community action that developed during the Covid-19 pandemic and has continued into the cost of living crisis, we want to ensure our communities are well engaged with us, resilient and inclusive and that challenges of health, well-being and independence facing our residents are adequately met.
We face significant pressures on our housing stock due to the popularity of our District as a tourist destination and we will prioritise meeting our housing need to address the increasing number of those facing challenges around housing, exacerbated by pressures of the cost of living crisis.
Being a rural district with significant numbers of businesses supporting the vibrant tourism economy presents significant challenges, which is why we will prioritise creating a business environment which enables businesses to thrive and prosper - including a focus on job skills and the infrastructure to promote that growth
Sustaining Council services in these changing times, and maintaining Council property including play areas, leisure centres, sea defences and infrastructure contributing to our tourism industry, will be both a key challenge and an opportunity in the years to come. We firmly believe we have the opportunity to improve our current offer and realise further investment to uplift our communities. In addressing these challenges, the residents we serve, the businesses in the District, and our numerous visitors from near and afar will be at the heart of everything we do.
Every year we will produce an annual action plan, setting out in more detail the actions we will take to meet our priorities and ambitions. This will allow us to adapt to external challenges and be responsive to the needs of our communities
Draft Corporate Plan
Last updated: 2nd August 2023