Local Plan submitted for independent examination

Date published: 15th June 2023
The new North Norfolk Local Plan has been formally submitted to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) for independent examination.
An independent Inspector will be appointed by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) to review the Plan and its supporting evidence base.The Inspector will consider the comments at the last consultation stage and will likely identify matters to consider as part of the examination - the Council and interested parties will then be invited to provide written responses and attend a series of hearing sessions.
Annette Feeney has been appointed as the Programme Officer to organise and administer the examination, including the anticipated public hearing sessions, which are expected to commence autumn 2023.
The Local Plan includes planning policies for the district which set the principles around how land is to be used, what can be built, and where.
One of its key roles is to provide certainty around where new development might be allocated and to ensure that the development needed due to population growth can be provided suitably and sustainably.
It also details where new homes, jobs and infrastructure will be created to meet the area’s housing, employment and other needs while playing a vital role in protecting and enhancing our unique natural and built environment.
Cllr Andrew Brown, Planning & Enforcement Portfolio Holder said:
“The appointment of an independent Inspector is the next stage in the process towards adopting the Plan.
The decision to proceed at a time when many local authorities across the country have paused their plan-making process to await new government measures in the pipeline, demonstrates serious commitment to ensure our planning policies continue to be in line with national planning policy.
We look forward to working collaboratively with the appointed Inspector for the benefit of all residents across the district.”
The submission of the North Norfolk Local Plan represents a significant milestone towards ensuring that the Council retains control over where and how development takes place, the standards that we expect to be met in delivering sustainable development, and that residents and organisations in North Norfolk benefit from up-to-date development plan policies on which sound development decisions can be based.
The submission documents have been published via www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/localplan and a notice of the submission has been issued to those who have previously participated in the consultation process.
Further information will be published as it becomes available.
Last updated: 16th June 2023