Cabinet approves About with Friends bid for bistro in North Lodge Park

Date published: 7th March 2023
Cabinet has approved a bid by the charity About with Friends to open a bistro in the Seaview buildings in North Lodge Park in Cromer.
The Seaview building is owned by the Council and part of the premises was temporarily leased last summer by North Lodge Café, which ran a community café on the premises for six weeks during the summer season.
The Council received ten proposals from a wide range of businesses who were looking to occupy the facilities on a longer-term basis. The lease was awarded to the charity About with Friends who will invest in the facilities and provide a great place for the community.
About with Friends is a local charity that supports both adults and children with learning difficulties, providing them with an extensive range of services which include a work skills programme that allows them to gain skills for work and life.
The charity has plans to open a bistro on the premises after a period of investment in the property, with the aim to open this summer. They are also looking to reopen a section of the property as a café in the coming weeks.
Cllr. Richard Kershaw, portfolio holder for Sustainable Growth, said:
“We need to bring life back into the park. The About with Friends bid is a project that would keep the facility open to the public throughout the day and late into the evening. It’s a community benefit I see would sit well in our portfolio and would help support the regeneration of Cromer and North Lodge Park.”
Last updated: 12th April 2023