Community asked for views on North Walsham West Development

Date published: 8th September 2023
In North Norfolk District Council’s draft Local Plan, North Walsham West is proposed as a site allocation for:
- Approximately 1,800 new homes
- A primary school
- 7 hectares of employment land
- Green space including a new town park
- A local centre with options for retail, health services, day care and other community uses
The local community is now being asked for their views on the draft Development Brief for North Walsham West. The consultation period is open and ends Sunday, October 1.
The purpose of this consultation is to allow local people to give us their views on the new development from the outset.
Development briefs set the parameters for development and inform decisions on future planning applications. The North Walsham West Draft Development Brief provides a vision and detail on how the site will be laid out, what it will include, and how it will be delivered.
It provides certainty over the road, school and environmental infrastructure that the Council expects to be provided.
The Local Plan requires a comprehensive development brief to be developed prior to the approval of any planning applications on the site.
North Norfolk District Council and a local consortium of Flagship Group, Lovell Partnership and ESCO Developments are bringing the North Walsham West proposals forward.
The development brief has been prepared by all partners bringing forward the proposals and they are now seeking the views of local residents.
Local residents can share their views in the following ways:
- Via a virtual exhibition at
- Via phone on 0800 298 7040
- Via email at
- In writing to Cavendish Consultation Response, 8-10 Mansion House Place, London, EC4N 8BJ
- At an in-person event:
- North Walsham Community Centre on Wednesday, September 13 from 3.30pm to 7.30pm
- North Walsham Town Football Club on Tuesday, September 19 from 3.30pm to 7.30pm
Find out more about the North Walsham West sustainable urban development and have your say at
Last updated: 8th September 2023