Free digital business support for businesses in North Norfolk

Date published: 18th April 2024
North Norfolk District Council is financing the provision of free digital business support for small and medium sized businesses in North Norfolk with Government funding through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
This programme is being delivered by Norfolk County Council to businesses in North Norfolk through its Go Digital programme
Your business can receive expert advice on topics such as eCommerce or online marketing, use of social media to promote your business or products and guidance for attracting new visitors to your website.
As part of the advice, the advisors will complete a digital audit and create a digital action plan with their recommendations. You will get advice on digital tools that can benefit your business and a £500 grant.
Cllr. John Toye, portfolio holder for Sustainable Growth said:
“This is a great opportunity for North Norfolk businesses looking to develop in a digital age.
I would encourage any business to apply for this expert advice and grant funding to help them grow.”
Go Digital is part funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
Find out more about the Go Digital Funding Programme
Last updated: 18th April 2024