How you can cast your vote in the upcoming general election and the deadline to apply

Date published: 6th June 2024
The General Election will take place in North Norfolk for the North Norfolk Parliamentary Constituency and part of the Broadland & Fakenham Parliamentary Constituency on Thursday 4 July 2024, with polling stations opening between 7am and 10pm so that residents in the constituencies may cast their vote.
Poll cards providing details of the election including your local polling station and dates by which people can apply for postal or proxy votes have been despatched today, Thursday 6 June, and will arrive on doormats over coming days.
There are three ways you can cast your vote on polling day:
In person, at your Polling Station:
If you are registered to vote, you can cast your vote in person at the polling station.
If you are not yet registered to vote the last date for registration is Tuesday 18 June 2024
If you have recently moved to or within the district and have updated your Council Tax details, but not the electoral register, you will not be eligible to vote as these are two different registers.
To register to vote, or check if you’re already on the electoral register, visit
If voting in person, you will require Voter ID – this is an accepted form of photographic ID, such as a passport or driver’s license. There are many forms of accepted ID, including expired identification provided your likeness is still accurate.
If you do not have any of these accepted forms, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.
The deadline to apply for Voter Authority Certificates for this election is 5:00pm on Wednesday 26 June
You can view the accepted forms of Voter ID, or apply for a Voter Authority Certificate at:
Postal Votes:
Postal voting is an easy and convenient way of voting if you cannot get to your polling station. Ballot papers are sent to your address before polling day so that you can cast your vote ahead of time and return it by post.
If you would like to vote by postal vote, you can apply through the government portal. If you no longer wish to vote by postal vote, please contact our Elections Team to cancel an existing postal vote so you can then vote in your polling station.
The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on Wednesday 19 June 2024
Apply for a postal vote or find out more at
Proxy Voting:
Anyone who is registered to vote can apply for a proxy vote – a proxy voter is somebody that can vote on your behalf at your polling station if you are not able to vote in person.
Your proxy voter will also need to present their Voter ID at the polling station.
The deadline to apply for a Proxy Vote is 5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024.
After this deadline, if you are unable to make it to your polling station to cast your vote in person, due to work commitments or medical emergencies, you can apply for an Emergency Proxy Vote up until 5pm on Polling Day - Thursday 4 July
Emergency Proxy Votes will need to be evidenced and the emergency proxy granted in-person by the Elections Office at the North Norfolk District Council in Cromer.
Apply for a proxy vote or find out more at
Last updated: 6th June 2024