Changes to bin collection days from April 8, 2024

Date published: 4th March 2024
Serco, working with North Norfolk District Council, has identified that further changes to the current bin collection routes are required. These changes are being made to ensure that the waste and recycling collections are as efficient and reliable as possible and to minimise environmental impacts.
These further changes have been brought about by the closure of a previous disposal site, where the district’s recycling waste had been taken before being transported to the processing facility and will improve the efficiency and reliability of the through routes and reduce the distances vehicles are travelling.
Not only will this result in a reduction in our carbon footprint across the district, but these changes will also accommodate services to new homes being built in the area now and into the future.
Due to increased demand for garden and commercial waste collections, changes will also be made to collection rounds for these services too. Two new vehicles were recently purchased to meet this demand and these will be integrated into the reoptimising, creating two additional rounds.
These changes will be introduced from Monday, April 8, and will mean that over 90% of households in North Norfolk will see a change to the day or week their household waste, recycling, garden and commercial bins are collected.
Between March 4 and 28, Serco will be sending out a leaflet to all North Norfolk District Council households to advise of any changes to their existing household waste and recycling service. Residents with a garden waste or commercial subscription will also receive a separate calendar or letter from Serco during this same period.
Once you have received your leaflet make sure to take note of any changes and also read the FAQs webpage - Home | Bin day changes 2024 (
Waste and recycling collections will remain alternate weekly. 85% of residents who subscribe to the Council’s garden waste collections service will see their collection day change, but these collections will remain fortnightly.
Residents whose collection day remains unchanged are likely to have a change to their collection time, so it is important that bins are put out by 7:00am.
If you are subscribed to our assisted collection service our teams will continue to collect your bin from its normal storage point, take it to the bin lorry for emptying, and then return it back to its storage point.
Please retain your calendar for details on your new collections for the full year.
Cllr Callum Ringer, Portfolio Holder for IT, Environmental and Waste Service said:
“Increased demand for our trade and garden waste service has meant we have acquired a new vehicle and round for each of these areas. In addition, the county council recently changed the location where we tip our recycling waste; in response to this, a re-routeing was required to ensure improved efficiency and reliability for residents.”
Gary Edwards, Serco Senior Contract Manager for Norfolk said:
“Please check your leaflet or the website to confirm how these changes will affect you.”
Last updated: 4th March 2024