Let us know your views on our coastal communities

Date published: 12th March 2024
Coastwise is surveying all communities in North Norfolk about the eroding coast
Understanding our coastal places and the views of residents, visitors and businesses/employees at the start of the project is a crucial part of establishing how we should work together through coastal erosion transition.
The information collected will improve our understanding of people’s relationships with the North Norfolk Coast between Weybourne and Happisburgh and help Coastwise better understand local perspectives to best work with those who would like to be involved.
Anyone is welcome to take part - Whether you live in a coastal town or village, visit this part of the coast for days out or holidays, run a business, work by the sea or have any other connection with the area, we would love to hear your views.
Cllr. Harry Blathwayt, portfolio holder for Coast said:
“It’s vital the Coastwise project works alongside our coastal communities, local businesses or employees and visitors to the district. Your views are an important part of this project and will help shape decisions made around coastal transition throughout the project.
Please do take the survey – your views are an important part of this project and will help shape decisions made around coastal transition throughout the project.
The more information we gather, the more helpful it is when we try to apply for Government funding to support homes and businesses along our coast.”
The survey will take 10 minutes to take and responses are anonymous.
Take the survey at www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/coastwisesurvey
Last updated: 19th March 2024