Become an age-friendly business in North Norfolk

Date published: 17th May 2024
Demographically, North Norfolk has the oldest average age per capita, with one in three residents are over 65.
Age Friendly North Norfolk is working with communities in the district to develop Age Friendly Communities – localities where older people, communities, policies and services all work together in partnership to enable age inclusivity.
Businesses are invited to get involved and can do so by joining one or both of two active schemes:
Age Friendly Business
Using our new Age Friendly Toolkit, businesses can review their premises and cultures to make small, manageable changes to make them more Age Friendly.
On completing these and letting the team know, you will then be registered as an Age Friendly Business, where you will have a window sticker to display at your premises and be registered on our online database where residents can see organisations who are making positive commitments.
Sit You Down North Norfolk
If your premises has seating space, this simple scheme revolves around making seating available for older customers, or those in need, to take a seat and rest, without the obligation to make a purchase.
Seats are registered on the Age Friendly database and you will get a window sticker to identify your location.
Cllr. Liz Withington, portfolio holder for Community, Leisure & Outreach said:
“Every step we can take to support our older generations and make North Norfolk as age friendly as possible is one we should welcome.
Developing Age Friendly Communities will allow for so many benefits, like increased accessibility, reducing isolation and increasing older activity and with North Norfolk’s demographics, this is very important.”
The International Longevity Centre UK estimates that by 2040 spending by older consumers could contribute up to £550bn to the UK economy, representing 63% of total consumer spending.
Cllr. John Toye, portfolio holder for Sustainable Growth said:
“Disabled and older households represent a significant economic spending power on the high street and their shopping habits will often revolve around the most accessible or ‘easy-to-shop’ businesses.
I thoroughly encourage businesses to engage with these two schemes every step we can take in our community to support our older generations.”
If you are interested in joining or would like more information you can contact the Age Friendly team at, or through 01263 513811.
Find out more at
Age Friendly North Norfolk is a collaborative project between the North Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Partnership, North Norfolk District Council and Age UK Norfolk.
Last updated: 17th May 2024