Chairman raises over £4500 for youth mental health charity

Date published: 15th May 2024
Chairman of the Council, Cllr. Sarah Bütikofer has raised £4618.95 for the Sir Norman Lamb Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund throughout her tenure in the role.
The charity raises money for mental health support throughout Norfolk, with a focus on young people in the County.
Cllr. Bütikofer held a civic event at Thursford, celebrating 50 years of North Norfolk District Council, where a silent auction was held for her chosen charity, raising over £2500.
Cllr Tim Adams, Cllr. Sarah Bütikofer, Cllr. Dr. Victoria Holliday and Steve Blatch at Thursford
Cllr. Sarah Bütikofer said:
“It has been a privilege to represent the Council as Chairman, raising money for vital wellbeing services and raising the profile for young people’s mental health. We have met some incredible groups and were very fortunate to attend a civic event at Buckingham Palace, hosted by His Majesty King Charles.
I would like to thank everybody for their support this year - all the Councillors, all the wonderful community groups and charity organisations, and my husband Pierre, has been by my side throughout this year, for which I’m very grateful.
I wish Cllr. Holliday a fantastic year as Chairman.”
Cllr. Dr. Victoria Holliday will now take on the role of Chairman of the Council and will raise money for various local dementia support groups operating around the district.
Speaking at Full Council, Cllr. Holliday said:
“I want to spend the year focussing on all the fantastic work in the district supporting patients and their carers. I would like to visit as many groups as possible to thank everyone for their hard work, and to learn what they are doing. I am looking forward to proudly representing the Council around the district and further afield as Chairman.”
Cllr. Peter Fisher was elected as Vice-Chairman.
Last updated: 16th May 2024