What do North Norfolk communities need to achieve Net Zero?

Date published: 3rd May 2024
Many residents understand the issues of climate change and the need to live more sustainably but often the implementation of these changes can be a challenge.
Net Zero Communities is a new project, one of 21 initiatives in the UK set up to help their areas to accelerate innovation and overcome barriers to speed up the transition to Net Zero.
The Norfolk Climate Change Partnership, of which North Norfolk District Council is an active member, has received funding to nominate one community in each of the Norfolk districts to take part in this project.
The Council has nominated Stalham to be the pilot Net Zero Community in North Norfolk. The ambition of the Norfolk Net Zero Communities project is to make it easier for residents to:
• To make changes to properties so that they are more energy efficient
• Use greener ways to travel
• Create and access renewable power and heat.
Stalham has been chosen as the North Norfolk community, due to its mix of housing types, its lack of connection to the gas network, its proximity to the broads and the ambition of the local community to engage with sustainable changes.
The project team will work with the local community in exploring easier ways to decarbonise homes, travel routines and day-to-day living, including measures such as retrofitting houses and community energy schemes.
Alongside energy efficiency, one aim of the project is explore different funding streams, which can benefit local residents and businesses.
It’s anticipated that local business will also benefit through an increase in demand to make changes to properties, including the installation of alternative heat sources and renewable energy.
Local businesses who are interested in being suppliers of any of these measures are encouraged to engage with the project.
Cllr. Adam Varley, portfolio holder for Climate Change & Net Zero said:
“This is a fantastic and innovative opportunity for Stalham and North Norfolk, to take the next steps towards a greener future.
We hope to help make it easier for our residents to make changes to their properties, to how they travel or their access to renewable energy. We look forward to working with Stalham residents to understand the barriers to sustainable living with the hope that this learning can be used to help communities across North Norfolk”
Cllr. Kevin Bayes, Stalham Ward Member said:
"As Mayor and one of the district councillors for Stalham, we are delighted to have been chosen as part of this significant and important project. It will help provide the residents of Stalham with clear information on how to support a greener future while ensuring residents are aware of available grants to help them achieve this aim, at a time when increased energy costs are having a significant impact on our Town and community."
Residents will have the opportunity to find out more about the scheme at Stalham Town Council’s Annual General Meeting, which starts at 6:30pm on Tuesday 7th May. The Council’s Climate Team will be present to offer advice on energy and efficiency improvements.
Many residents in Stalham have already undergone significant energy efficiency adaptations to their homes through the Norfolk Warm Homes Scheme.
The Council’s Energy Officer has been working with eligible homeowners and landlords to facilitate free grants and installations for adaptations such as insulation, air source heat pumps and solar panels (PVs).
Properties with an Energy Performance Certificate of D, E, F, G may be eligible and are encouraged to get in touch by emailing energy@north-norfolk.gov.uk
The successes of this project across the UK will go on to form a blueprint for transitioning communities towards a Net Zero future.
Norfolk Climate Change Partnership has been awarded funding through Innovate UK and the Net Zero Living Fast Followers Programme. Stalham is one of the 7 towns chosen in Norfolk – one from each authority district in the County.
Last updated: 3rd May 2024