Overstrand Promenade closure update

Date published: 17th March 2025
On March 7, 2025, following recent cliff material movement, North Norfolk District Council temporarily closed the central section of the Overstrand sea wall (commonly used as a promenade) between two points.
The cliffs along the central area of Overstrand are made up of clay, silt, gravel, chalk and sand. They are naturally unstable and become particularly prone to slumping when wet.
Cliff material coming down onto the sea wall, as a result of large amounts of water draining from the cliff, has blocked the access for people using the coast path; consequently, the area shaded red on the map below has been closed.
Diagram of Overstrand Prom
The Norfolk Coast Path, which normally runs along the sea wall, has been diverted inland, now following the Paston Way. Please follow the signs for ‘The Paston Way’ to walk this route.
One of the cliff movement areas has been identified as having Japanese Knotweed, a non-native invasive species introduced into the UK in the mid-nineteenth century. Japanese Knotweed must be removed by a licensed contractor and disposed of safely to prevent it from spreading. It is not a threat to public or animal health but to the environment around it.
New access steps have been installed to Overstrand beach from the sea wall, making it possible to pass in front of the sea wall at low tide, bypassing the closed path. Please note that this is not passable when the tide is high.
Steps in Overstrand
The Council is working to identify the best way to proceed with removing the Japanese Knotweed and cliff material from the sea wall and methods of better stabilising the cliffs continue to be explored. It hopes that the path will be reopened as soon as it is safe to do so.
We would like to thank residents and businesses for their patience during this time. Access to the beach is still available via the two sets of steps on either side of the closure.
Cllr Harry Blathwayt, Portfolio holder for Coast, said:
“We would like to thank residents and businesses for their patience during this time. We have a highly dynamic coastline, especially during the autumn, winter and springtime, with beach levels fluctuating and frequent cliff slips.
"Routes to the beach to the east and west of the sea wall at Overstrand are still accessible, but as with all coastal locations, please consult tide timetables before setting out on beach walks to avoid getting caught by incoming tides.”
Last updated: 17th March 2025