Climate Emergency and Environment

North Norfolk District Council declared a climate emergency in early 2019. The Council has since produced an Environmental Charter in consultation with local residents and adopted a Strategy and Action Plan to achieve Net-Zero emissions across its operations by 2030.

In the sections below, you can find information on our Net-Zero Strategy and Action Plan, Environmental Charter and reports on our progress, as well as other Council initiatives to help tackle climate change across our district and involve local residents.

Environment Charter

Our Environmental Charter states our commitment to a sustainable future for North Norfolk, showing how we will work with partners and influence others.

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Net-Zero Strategy

We’ve launched our pledge to have Net-Zero emissions by 2030 and lead North Norfolk into a greener future.

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Carbon footprint

The Council’s Carbon Footprint report summarises our carbon emissions and completed actions for 2023 to 2024.

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Tree planting opportunities

Find out more information on how we are continuing to work with communities to improve the biodiversity of our district and absorb excess carbon whilst doing it.

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Electric vehicle charging

Did you know there are 46 charge points in NNDC carparks across the district? Discover where these are and how to use them.

Electric vehicle charging logo

Energy saving tips

You might be able to get help with your energy costs or access grants to improve your home and make it more energy efficient, saving you money on your energy bills.

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Greenbuild and community initiatives

Find out more about future events and view GreenbuildOnline event recordings.