The Coastwise Creative Competition closed for entries on 31 January 2025.

Coastwise Creative Competition winners announced

The Coastwise Creatives competition aims to support new and innovative approaches for communicating coastal erosion.

Coastal erosion is part of the history of North Norfolk and is a process which will accelerate with climate change. Preparing for and adapting to this change to ensure a positive future for our coastal communities is at Coastwise's heart.

About the competition

For the competition, entries should aim to answer the following question:

How can we communicate coastal change along the north Norfolk coast, its impacts on coastal communities and the benefits of preparing and adapting?

Entrants may consider incorporating the need to take wider actions by reducing carbon footprints and emissions.

How to enter


Entries could focus on coastal erosion, climate change, sea level rise, coastal communities coastal ecosystems, coastal adaptation and any other stories or ideas you may have.


Videos, photos, illustrations, paintings, poetry, music, audio poems, stories, animations, sculptures, written word, ceramics and any other media that lends itself to the topic.

Watch the following video to see what people produced for the International Climate Creatives Challenge competition.

Judging the competition

Judges are looking for entries that meet one or more of the following criteria.

Communication of coastal change and adaptation in an interesting way.

Place-based stories from the North Norfolk coast related to the impacts and the need to prepare for coastal erosion

Actions that can be taken to adapt to the impacts of coastal erosion or climate change.

Entries that could raise awareness of coastal change and adaptation.

Judging categories

Individual entries

Educational groups or establishments

About the prizes

Individual entries

1st prize


2nd prize


3rd prize


Educational groups (primary schools, high schools and colleges) or establishments

1st prize


To the establishment or educational group and an additional £100 book voucher to the winning student.

2nd prize


To the establishment or educational group and an additional £50 book voucher to the winning student.

3rd prize


To the establishment or educational group and an additional £20 book voucher to the winning student.

Additional awards

Additional prize


For the entry that best shows actions that can be taken to reduce the impact of climate change on our coasts by reducing carbon emissions and carbon footprints.

How to enter

Send your submissions to

Please send larger video, audio or image files via a file transfer link to

If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to email the team, who can help you send your submission.

Sculptures or paintings

They can be dropped off at the NNDC offices in Cromer (with a prior appointment).

What to include with your submission

  • name
  • age
  • educational establishment (if applicable)
  • category you would like to enter
  • your contact details to notify shortlisted and winning applications
  • a short paragraph describing your work - this may include your motivations, inspiration and the medium you used

Competition timeline

Submission deadline

3pm on Friday 31 January 2025.


From Monday 3 February to Friday 14 February 2025.

Winners and shortlisted entries contacted

By email on Monday 17 February 2025.

Winners and shortlisted entries announced

Friday 28 February 2025.


The winning entries and up to 20 shortlisted entries will be displayed in an exhibition at the Simon Aspinall Wildlife Education Centre within the Norfolk Wildlife Trust Visitors Centre in Cley between Tuesday 18 March to Monday 5 May 2025.

Entry information

Entry types and conditions

You must have the appropriate ownership rights and permissions for any content you feature or submit as part of the challenge.

Below is a list of the entry types and conditions of entry.

  Eligible approaches Specification File formats
Illustration A sketch, painting, visualisation or render, infographic or other type of illustration. A maximum of 3 files submitted.
Minimum resolution 300dpi.
For posters A3 size is suggested.
Photo You could capture a picture or collage that conveys the aims of the competition. Minimum resolution 300dpi.
For posters A3 size is suggested.
Video A short film, documentary, social video or animation. Max track duration 2 minutes.
500-word limit.
Video aspect ratios: 21:9, 16:9, 1:1, 4:3, 9:16.
Audio A song or sound that you have written or recorded, or an audio story or poem. Maximum track duration 2 minutes. WMV, MP3, WMA
Poetry or prose A poem, or short story, or experience that you want to share. 500-word limit. PDF, DOC, DOCX, CSV
Sculpture A sculpture or model that you’ve made or will make. Physical objects will need to be photographed and comply with the requirement for that format. JPEG
Textiles or decoupage A textural item that you have created. Physical objects will need to be photographed and comply with the requirement for that format. JPEG

Terms and conditions

Entrants are restricted to one entry per person, except for educational groups, who can submit multiple entries but only one per student.

Entrants must have the appropriate ownership rights and permissions for any submitted content as part of the challenge. By entering the competition, you agree to your submission being used by NNDC, the Coastwise project and its funders in the future.

Read our full terms and conditions for more information about the entry requirements including maximum file sizes.

Defra funds this project as part of the £200 million Flood and Coastal Innovation Programmes, which the Environment Agency manages. The programmes will drive innovation in flood and coastal resilience and adaptation to a changing climate.