Planning policy

This section provides background information and reports detailing the policies that support the planning system in North Norfolk. It includes the local plan, its current review, and further details on neighbourhood plans, development briefs, infrastructure, and monitoring.

Local plan (current)

The local plan is a collection of documents that guides development in North Norfolk and sets out the factors it will consider when deciding on planning applications.

Local plan (new)

The draft local plan is now undergoing independent examination. The new local plan will guide development decisions in North Norfolk until at least 2036.

Document library

This library provides a list of current adopted development plan documents and a list of publications available to support the emerging local plan.

Proposals map

The proposals map shows geographically where the policies in the core strategy apply.

Neighbourhood planning

Neighbourhood planning provides the opportunity for communities to shape the future of their local area by having a direct role in the development of local planning policies.

Development briefs and master plans

These documents provide planning guidance on a range of topics. This section gives details of the adopted development briefs and master plans.

Community infrastructure levy

The Council's stance on the community infrastructure levy (CIL).


The Council produces an annual monitoring report on the effectiveness of local policies. This section contains the report and further information on five year land supply.

Brownfield land register

The register details brownfield sites across the district suitable for residential development regardless of their planning status or those with permission in principle.

Overview of custom and self-build housing

It provides information for those looking to acquire serviced plots for custom and self-build housing, including a register where applicants can express their interest in a serviced plot.