In order to claim benefits, you have to give us many personal details. We would like to reassure you that any information you give us is treated as confidential and would not normally be discussed with anyone other than you without your permission.

We strictly adhere to the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulations (EC) 2016/679 (GDPR) which is in place to protect your privacy. You can access the benefits privacy policy which documents how we process personal information.

For further information the privacy notice page explains how North Norfolk District Council uses information about you and how we protect your privacy.

There are some circumstances when we can share your information with other people, such as those listed below. If you require a more detailed explanation please contact email or call 01263 516349. 

Sharing information with your landlord

Sharing information with your landlord can help us to deal with your claim quicker and reduces the risk of you falling behind with your rent because of your claim being delayed.

We would only share information with your landlord if you have agreed that your Housing Benefit can be paid to them directly. However, under the Data Protection Act we still need your written permission to share information.

If you give this we would be able to provide your landlord with the following information:

  • Whether or not you have claimed Housing Benefit and whether we have made a decision on your claim
  • If we need further information to make a decision on your claim and the nature of the information we require

On occasion there may be some information we need to check with your landlord (such as the date your tenancy started) before we can make a decision on your claim.

If this is the case we may have to ask your landlord, even if you have not given us permission to discuss your claim with them.

Unless you have given us permission by signing an authorisation, we will not discuss anything else with your landlord.

We will not give your landlord any information about:

  • Your personal details
  • Your household circumstances
  • Your finances

If you do not give us permission to discuss your claim with your landlord, it will not affect your claim.

If you give us permission but then change your mind you can simply contact us on 01603  516349 or email

Sharing information with appointees

A claim may be made by a third party on your behalf if you are unable to deal with your claim yourself, either temporarily or permanently. This third party is known as an appointee.

This could be, for example, in the result of serious illness. In such cases, the appointee takes over all rights and responsibilities in relation to the Housing and/or Council Tax Support claim.

We can accept a Housing and/or Council Tax Support claim from:

  • a receiver appointed by the Court of Protection
  • an attorney
  • a person appointed by the DWP to act on the claimant’s behalf in connection with some other benefit

In other cases the Council may accept a written request from anyone over 18 to be an appointee; for example a friend, social worker or solicitor.

In these circumstances the council must consider first whether any conflict of interest exists, in this scenario you should contact us using the details in the sidebar for further advice.

Sharing information with family or representatives

Information can also be given to someone who is acting on your behalf including family members.

However, we need to be satisfied they are doing so with your knowledge and consent and therefore we would normally ask for your written consent.

You should always sign any claim forms yourself unless you have an appointee.

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