Apply for listed building consent
How to seek consent to alter a listed building.
Applications for listed building consent are made through the Planning Portal.
The portal takes you through the national and local requirements to support your application. If these documents are not provided, your application cannot be validated.
Additional guidance when applying through the Planning Portal
When applying for listed building consent, you must be able to justify your proposals and show why works affecting the character and appearance of the building are both desirable and necessary.
You should also provide sufficient information within your submission to enable the local planning authority to assess the effect of their proposals. So, if any demolition or replacement is proposed, the age and importance of that fabric or feature will need to be properly quantified.
General guidelines
Following the general guidelines will increase the likelihood of an application being approved:
- Alterations should be kept to a minimum using compatible materials and techniques. They should also be reversible wherever practical.
- Replacement of original or historic features should be carried out on a like-for-like basis, closely replicating the design and form of the existing feature, such as doors, windows and guttering.
- Replacement of non-original or modern features should be carried out in a manner which is sympathetic to the age and character of the host building. The replacement should be based on proper photographic evidence to ensure authenticity.
- Any new extensions, through their scale, form, design and materials, should be respectful of and subservient to the existing building.
Design and access statement
You must submit a design and access statement for listed building consent with every application. This statement is an applicant’s opportunity to explain and justify their proposals and clarify their effect on the host building. In normal circumstances, each statement should provide information under the following subject areas:
- description of the building, which outlines its historic development
- full description of the proposed works
- statement of justification for the proposed works
- assessment of the effect of the proposed works upon the overall significance of the building
All information should be proportional to the significance of the listed building and the extent of the work.
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