Recognising the impact of rising bills, the government is distributing £100 million of new grant funding in 2023/24 for local authorities.

This scheme is now closed.

This fund will support economically vulnerable households in their area with Council Tax bills.

Who will get the discount?

Local authorities will use most of their funding to reduce Council Tax bills for current working-age and pension-age Local Council Tax Support (LCTS) claimants by up to £25.

The discount should apply if you receive Council Tax Support with an outstanding council tax liability for the 2023/24 financial year. 

  • Where a taxpayer’s liability for 2023/24 is, following the application of council tax support, less than £25, then their liability would be reduced to nil. 
  • Where a taxpayer’s liability for 2023/24 is nil, no reduction to the council tax bill will be available, and those bills should not be credited.

There is no need to make a claim for this support. If a resident receives Council Tax Support, the additional support will automatically be added to your annual Council Tax bill dated 6 March 2023

Discretionary Council Tax Support Fund

The government funding provides for further discretionary support to be awarded to help our most vulnerable customers.

Additional awards of up to £100 will be made at the Council’s discretion.

No application will be required. The Council will contact households eligible for additional discretionary support.

Further information

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