If you find a stray dog and cannot contact the owner, please report it to us.

If you find a dog and you believe it to be a stray and it does not carry any owner contact details, report it online at Animal Warden Services or call 01362 858500.

The police are not responsible for managing reports of lost or stray dogs.

Collection service opening times

We offer a collection service which is available from:

  • Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
  • Saturday 8am to 1pm
  • Sunday and Bank Holidays 10am to 1pm.

During these hours, we aim to contact you within the hour, so you’ll be asked to keep hold of the dog in question until we arrive. In any case, we’ll let you know when we are likely to arrive.

If you find a dog outside these hours

Call 01362 858500. We have limited resources available for collecting dogs, so you may be asked to hold on to the dog until the morning of the next working day, or take it to a designated reception centre.