Commercial food waste collection service
The introduction of Simpler Recycling means your business must separate waste into three bins: general waste, dry recycling, and food waste.
Who will be affected?
For all businesses with ten or more equivalent full-time employees, the changes will take effect from 31 March 2025, while businesses with less than ten full-time employees will have until 31 March 2027.
Commercial food waste recycling service
We plan to offer a complete range of collections and are currently working to ensure we can provide these services. Please complete the survey to help us design this service and better understand your needs.
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.
What you can put in your food waste bin
The food waste bin will require a separate collection and includes the following food products:
- tea bags
- coffee grounds
- meat and bones
- fruit and vegetable peelings
- leftovers
- dairy
What you can put in your recycling bin
Dry recycling can be collected all together in one bin. The items we accept are:
- paper and cardboard
- plastic bottles
- plastic pots, tubs and trays
- cartons
- glass bottles and jars
- food and drink cans
What you can put in your general waste
General waste will require a separate collection and includes:
- coffee cups
- polystrene containers
- crisp packets
- paper towels
- sweet wrappers
- single use cutlery
Further information
For more information about how this new recycling legislation affects your business visit:
Business Waste | Norfolk Recycles
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