Ecology in planning

As part of the new North Norfolk local validation requirements, a preliminary ecological appraisal or ecological impact assessment will be required for all developments where it is likely that designated sites, priority habitats or protected species are on or near the development site and are likely to be affected by the development.

Local validation checklist

The Council's local validation list for ecology details the type of developments that could impact designated sites, priority habitats and protected species. Where one of the triggers is met, the application must provide supporting ecological information, for example, a PEA or EcIA to consider impacts upon ecological receptors.

You must complete any recommended further protected species surveys at the appropriate time of the year (except those required immediately before work commences) before we can determine your application. This allows the Council to assess the application in line with its statutory duties.

Further information

For specific issues related to planning:


Advice on wildlife issues can be sought from various organisations. Norfolk County Council produces the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) and works closely with a variety of nature conservation organisations, including Natural England.

Relevant organisations

The following are independent wildlife organisations that can give advice on biodiversity and nature conservation:

Wildlife violations

If you suspect a wildlife offence has occurred or is in progress, note the date, time, and location, and if it is safe to do so, take photographic or video evidence. Then, report the incident to the police immediately through the Report a wildlife crime | Norfolk Constabulary.

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