Find out more about landscape character, the North Norfolk National Landscape (formerly AONB) and guidance to preserve the natural environment's quality and distinctiveness.
North Norfolk has a rich and varied landscape, much of which is protected and valued for its scenic beauty, habitat diversity, and wildlife.
North Norfolk Landscape Character Assessment (LCA)
The North Norfolk Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) provides an updated and detailed assessment of the elements and features which make up the distinctive landscapes in North Norfolk.
It maps the landscape into two levels - types and areas. The character assessment identifies key characteristics, valued features, and qualities which would detrimentally change the landscape character if diluted or adversely affected. The LCA recognises forces for change that could adversely affect a landscape character and sets out an overall vision, with a strategy and guidance for conserving and enhancing each landscape type and area.
North Norfolk Landscape Sensitivity Assessment
The North Norfolk Landscape Sensitivity Assessment (LSA) has become an essential tool for informing the management of landscape change by assessing and mapping the sensitivity of different landscapes to different types of change.
This study assesses the North Norfolk landscape's sensitivity to various types of renewable and low-carbon development. It provides context to support policies and proposals within the emerging local plan.
Norfolk Coast National Landscape (formerly AONB)
The Norfolk Coast National Landscape was designated in 1968 and is a unique landscape covering 453 km. It is renowned for its varied geology, coastal landforms, undeveloped landscape, and habitat. National planning policy requires that great weight is given to conserving and enhancing the landscape and scenic beauty of the area.
A five-year management plan and integrated landscape character guidance are documents on the Norfolk Coast Protected Landscape website that guide and advise appropriate management.
Dark night skies
Dark night skies are a valued feature of the designated landscape. The UK Dark Skies Partnership provides guidance on appropriate external lighting to preserve nocturnal character.
Related local plan policies
The protection and enhancement of the varied and distinct landscapes of the district are embedded in local plan policies to ensure that development is appropriate and sympathetic to the distinctive character areas.
- Policy EN1 Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Broads
- Policy EN2 Protection and Enhancement of Landscape and Settlement Character
- Policy EN4 Design
Soft landscape design guidance
Guidance for the selection and planting of appropriate native and non-native species:
- Planting hedges in Norfolk – maintaining regional character (PDF)
- Best native hedge plants: What to choose | Woodland Trust
- Right tree right place | Norfolk County Council
- Norfolk trees and hedges explorer map | Norfolk County Council
- Right trees for a changing climate |
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